THE Voice for Black Indie Authors.

Isis Asare

Isis Asare Profile Photo


ghanaian-american | queer | femme | bibliophile | owner of @SistahScifi

Isis Asare is a serial cultural entrepreneur with over a decade of finance and business development experience at Fortune 500 companies such as T-Mobile, Microsoft, Shutterfly, and Amazon. One of her earliest ventures was Sistah Sinema. Asare started Sistah Sinema in her living room and expanded it to 20 cities across the US and internationally, a social/email reach of 10K points of contact, and online presence with Indieflix within five years. She successfully exited Sistah Sinema by selling it to community investors in 2015.

Asare officially launched Sistah Scifi February 2, 2019 with a celebration of Jewelle Gomez's 25th Anniversary edition of The Gilda Stories. Between 2019 and 2020, Sistah Scifi sales increased tenfold through expanding physical book selection; launching private label shirts, sweatshirts, and bags; and offering audiobooks and ebooks. Sistah Scifi is on-track to see 10X sales growth again in 2021.

Isis Asare earned her BA in Psychology and African American Studies from Stanford University, Master's In Public Policy from Harvard University, and MBA, International Finance from Columbia Business School.

June 7, 2022

Sistah SciFi Book Boutique with Owner Isis Asare

Oh, you thought I was done?? Nope! Your girl has TWO interviews for you. This next one is with Isis Asare, owner of Sistah SciFi Book Boutique. This bookstore is exclusively online, but she has lots of in-person events like …

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