THE Voice for Black Indie Authors.

A.E. Valdez

A.E. Valdez Profile Photo


Amanda Valdez discovered her passion for writing when she was given a journal by her 5th grade teacher and has been creating poetry, works of fiction, and gaming narratives ever since. As a child, she wanted to read more stories with people that looked like her.

In 2019, she started visual storytelling using a game called “The Sims”. Her story centered around black love and romance. After two years of keeping her followers captivated and on the edges of their seats with the characters she had created, she decided it was time to put her creative efforts into a book.

She loves all things romance, from heartbreak to happily ever afters. She pours her own heart and soul into the stories she brings to life. Causing readers to fall in, and sometimes out, of love alongside her characters.

Amanda currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and their two sons. Most days you can find her sipping on an iced latte while she writes or enjoying time with her family.

March 15, 2022

Crazy Love with A.E. Valdez

Here's the scenario: you've been dating a guy for two years and have known each other since you were kids. Your families are friends. He proposes, but you know deep down that he isn't THE ONE. Do you accept his …

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